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Friday, December 09, 2005 

I hate writing. I hate reading.
But when you gotta remember, then best to write. When you need to know, best to read. I don't like to know. The only thing you ever need to know is what to do. I always know, but it needs to work. It will work. And there'll be blood, destruction... forever, even after I die. But it's mine. My blood, their blood. My rage, their fear.
There was a book, and a name. "Magaloth". I read this book and his name appears in my brain, black like sky. I want to know who he is. Important to write this name; if I hear it again, I'll be ready. Are we enemies? I hope so. I need a challenge. An army -- I like it when I'm outnumbered. There'll be rivers of body when I'm done...
Simmons on my mind. Always. Smug grin I want to claw off his face. I see that too; I can't wait for my sharp nails to dig in to his fleshy face and rip out his gums and teeth. I want to watch them fall to the ground. See him spit blood. Tongueless, toothless... fought him in the past and he was strong. But not too strong.
Father Wolf, huh? Bullshit. I made him bleed. Father Wolf never bleeds, not even for me. That's why he's gotta die. I kill him, then it's clear. Only Destroyer and Father Wolf himself could ever beat me in a fight...