Friday, January 20, 2006 

From the Desk of Dr. Daniel Goran

It's an honor to be in contact with you, Dr. Carthage. Nikolai Dwintzliev's book Lust for Blood: The Killer's Eyes was a source of inspiration in my early work. The patient, whom I've named "Nicholas DeWinter" in his honor, has many characteristics of the patients described in that text. I think you'll find him a delight.
I've never heard of Dr. Lugwae, but if you approve his credentials, I'm all for the move. He'll be transported (with the help of a few of my friends in the United States Marine Corps) to your facility overseas via private aircraft. His sedations have been timed to keep him under for the duration of the trip, although I have warned persons involved that standard measures of restraint have proven ineffective in the past.
I've included the patient's file in this envelope, and look forward to working with your team in the future.

Sincerely yours,

D. Goran

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 

On the blood I smelled panic. Not fear.
They're calling me out. Simmons sent a clown to do his dirty work. Fucking coward. Or maybe too busy... we're walkin' into a shitstorm. Calling me out. I'll come. There's gonna be hurt -- lots of it. Weak-minded bastards. There's only one way to show them he's not what he says...
Father Wolf doesn't want me to kill my brothers... but I will. I'll kill the Uratha, I'll kill the Pure... if they aren't worthy to run with me, they're fucked. A warrior must judge, and execute.
I'm taking it from him. Only I have the strength. They'll see...